“Mark Luterra’s Winnow Wizard is the only seed cleaning machine I have ever loved. It was made for me. It allows us to fine clean seed of any species without any cleanout time between seed lots. It can separate low density seed from a uniformly sized lot like a gravity table, raising the germ rate from unacceptable to over 90%. It can handle seed of any size or shape, from Nicotiana to Swiss chard to calendula. Handmade, open source, perfectly appropriate for very diverse small scale seed enterprises—the Wizard is a major breakthrough for improving organic seed quality.”
Frank Morton, Wild Garden Seed
“We started using Mark’s Winnow Wizard in 2017. After one afternoon of use, we were convinced it would pay for itself within the year on seed quality and labor savings. Indeed, after a full season, we are still enamored with its simplicity, speed, and quality of finished product…seeds! Whether we are cleaning 2 oz. of poppy seed or 200 lbs of beans it is always set up, simple to adjust precise settings and quicker than any other winnowing technique or tool we have used on our farm.”
Matthew and Petra, Fruition Seeds
Our northern California regional seed hub acquired a Winnow Wizard through the Organic Seed Alliance, and suddenly seed cleaning is a treat to look forward to. Yes, it’s faster, but more importantly it is more accurate. Our seed is cleaner, and we can sort out lighter seed precisely to improve germination rates. Cleaning the equipment between batches takes only a moment — and adjustments are easy and intuitive, making it useful right away, no steep learning curve.
Gina and Sorren, Open Circle Seeds